داستان آبیدیک

coupling coefficient


1 برق و الکترونیک:: ضریب تزویج

a tunable coupling-coefficient are adopted. tunable coupling-coefficient is integrated between drain and of coupling-coefficient can be generated from the transformer. The coupling-coefficient during on-state is defined kbd are the coupling-coefficient between (Lg, Lb) and (Ld, Lb)

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2 مکانیک:: ضریب وابستگی

Typically, the strength of coupling is measured via the nondimensional quantity known as the coupling coefficient and defined as The coupling coefficients of metals are significantly lower than those of plastics. Steel, for example, has a coupling coefficient of about 0.011 while certain plastics have a value of e = 0.43. in which the nondimensional coupling coefficient, e, body force density, b, and heat source due to volumetric heat generation, hs, are defined as £ /*d(r)0 The coupling coefficient e measures the strength of thermal and deformation coupling and it appears in the nondimensional thermomechanical equations associated with the heating and cooling term due to deformation.

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